Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blizzards and Woodstoves

I had intended to start today with some photos of around our house.... but, yesterdays blizzard started a fervor of work on our etsy shops, which continued into today. So instead I will share a few pics of items that we just listed in Twagy, (That was a Good Year), our vintage clothing shop. We make most of our household income from our collection of online stores, and although it is great to be self sufficient financially, it does require a certain degree of dedication and discipline. I find working on days when the snow is blowing and the daily high temp is -19 much easier then when the sun is shining and it is above zero out. Heating our house entirely with wood heat is a blessing and a curse, and is in no way romantic. The romance of rural living, and our ideas of a cozy fire can be over rated when it -28 outside and you live in an uninsulated mid 1800's house. I am not complaining I love our house, and I would not trade my lifestyle for one that is easier. A photograph of me sitting beside the wood stove with the dog laying on a rug beside me would certainly translate visually as an image of contentedness, but the truth behind the photo, it is more of a physical struggle between myself and the dog for the spot where the most heat is. Every year we get a little bit better at keeping warm, we add insulation, we stop gaps, and to my great joy we have installed a super charming little wood burning stove to our bedroom.... which is were I am sitting right now. Yes a fire in the bedroom is romantic, and even better it is warm and cozy. Even though I live a pretty rustic lifestyle, or maybe because of it, I fall for all the dreamy notions of the cabin in the woods, the little cottage by the lake, the A-Frame ski chalet.
I love the spray foam insulation...insulation is our friend.
To quench any cabin lust you might be feeling...take a visit to Cabin Porn....

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